In the Assembly, Chris Duncan will do what he's always done – focus on independent, common sense solutions that get real results on the issues that impact local families most.

Public Safety

As a father of three, Chris knows that there is nothing more important than the safety of our communities and our families. He’ll fight to make sure our kids grow up in safe neighborhoods with real opportunity. As a mayor and retired federal prosecutor, Chris brought drug smugglers and human traffickers to justice and lowered crime in San Clemente.

Women’s Right to Choose

Chris is a vocal champion for reproductive rights and will stand up for access to safe, legal abortions. After the end of Roe v Wade, state legislatures have become the frontlines for the battle for women's health. Chris knows that everyone must have the freedom to access reproductive health care services, and he'll stand up to extremist efforts to restrict health choices. That's why he's endorsed by Planned Parenthood and reproductive justice advocates.

Housing & Homelessness

Chris will make addressing our housing crisis and reducing homelessness a top priority. As mayor, he reduced homelessness by 23% and led efforts to expand the homeless outreach program. Chris also protected local control by passing a comprehensive Housing Plan that provides working and middle class families an opportunity to own a home.

Environment and Climate

Chris believes that climate change is real, and he’ll support reasonable and effective legislation to reduce greenhouse gases, ensure cleaner air and water and protect our coastline and oceans. On the City Council, he's been a leader on environmental issues - championing Community Clean Energy to increase the use of green energy choices and he's working with Congressman Mike Levin to protect our coasts and issues.

Jobs & The Economy

Chris will work across party lines to improve our local and state economy, fighting to cut unnecessary red tape that prevent businesses from succeeding and regulations that are driving too many businesses out of state. He’ll also fight for tax relief for middle class families and small businesses, and will invest in the 21st-century workforce to ensure no one is left behind.


As a proud parent of three children who attend local public schools, he understands firsthand the importance of a strong educational foundation. In the Assembly, Chris will advocate for increased funding for K-12 education to ensure schools have the resources they need to succeed.


Chris understands that local families are already stretched too thin, which is why he’s never raised taxes in San Clemente. He’ll lower costs and work to reduce the tax burden on middle class families. This includes opposing unnecessary and harmful fees and projects, such as the toll road. He’ll also fight for a middle class tax cut and close loopholes that the super rich frequently exploit.

Gun Safety

As a proud member of Mayors Against Illegal Guns, Chris has been a vocal advocate for gun violence prevention. In the Assembly, he will work to pass common-sense gun safety and gun violence prevention legislation like stronger background checks, protecting victims of domestic violence, prohibiting “ghost guns,” and stronger safe storage policies.

Government Waste and Corruption

As a Homeland Security attorney, Chris has taken on corruption and rooted out wasteful government spending. In the Assembly, he’ll take that experience and ensure our tax dollars are used as intended – even if it means challenging his own party. He’ll spearhead the creation of a bipartisan Special Committee focused on investigating and reducing waste in the State Government and improving the efficiency and effectiveness of state agencies.